
Here you can find links on academic articles, books, research and analytics. They can be useful for journalists, researchers and activists digging into the topic.

Beijing +25 Years On. Parallel Report Ukraine 2014-2019

While highly appreciating the National Report prepared by the State, the Ukrainian women’s NGOs decided to independently summarize the efforts on promoting the rights of women and girls in Ukraine in the last five trying years. The war and loss of a part of the Ukrainian territories, over a million of internally displaced persons, economic decline, and the need for the countrywide reforms have created additional challenges for the governmental policy.

Национальный обзор реализации положений Пекинской декларации и Платформы действий 1995 года по вопросам гендерного равенства и расширения прав и возможностей женщин РБ

В докладе затрагиваются вопросы по положению женщин в оплачиваемой и неоплачиваемой занятости; сокращению или равному с мужчинами распределению домашней работы и ухода за близкими; сокращению уровня нищеты среди женщин.

Women, Business and the Law 2019: A Decade of Reform

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank

To develop a better understanding of how women’s employment and entrepreneurship are affected by legal discrimination, Women, Business and the Law 2019: A Decade of Reform examines ten years of data through an index structured around the economic decisions women make as they go through their working lives. From a 25-year-old getting her first job or a mother balancing work with caring for her children, to a woman on the brink of retirement, the index explores how the economic decisions women make are affected by the law.