
Here you can find links on academic articles, books, research and analytics. They can be useful for journalists, researchers and activists digging into the topic.

Why Women Protest: Insights from Ukraine's EuroMaidan

Olena Nikolayenko and Maria DeCasper

This article examines why Ukrainian women participated in the 2013–14 anti-government protests, widely known as the EuroMaidan. Based upon in-depth interviews with female protesters, the study uncovers a wide range of motivations for women's engagement in the revolution, including dissatisfaction with the government, solidarity with protesters, motherhood, civic duty, and professional service. Political discontent was the most cited reason for protesting. Solidarity with protesters was another major catalyst for political engagement. In addition, women who were mothers invoked the notion of mothering to provide a rationale for activism. The study contributes to the growing literature on women's participation in contentious politics in non-democracies.

Запрещенные женщинам профессии – гендерная дискриминация

Anti-Discrimination Centre

Отчет посвящен «спискам профессий, запрещенных для женщин», – дискриминационным подзаконным актам, унаследованным от советского законодательства и до сих пор действующих во многих странах бывшего СССР.
Отчет выпущен в рамках кампании АДЦ «Мемориал» #allJobs4allWomen.

Ukrainian Feminism at the Crossroad of National, Postcolonial, and (Post)Soviet: Theorizing the Maidan Events 2013-2014

Maria Mayerchyk, Olga Plakhotnik

The study is an endeavour of critical feminist analysis of well-known Ukrainian events in the winter of 2013-2014, called #EuroMaidan protests (further we shall use the shorter title – “Maidan” or "Maidan protests"). Some reflections on the war in the Eastern part of Ukraine are also included. We would like to discuss how discourses of feminism, nationalism, postcolonialism and (post)Sovietness are intersected in the production of meanings within the Maidan protests and the war that followed.

Monitoring report “Problems of gender-based violence in the conflict zone” on results of monitoring visit of human rights activists to the ATO area

Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union

The monitoring visit has been conducted by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union in summer 2015 to the city of Kramatorsk together with Women’s Information Consultative Center. It is aimed at collecting data on gender-based violence in the conflict area (occupied and liberated territories, during the conflict and after it) in order to summarize information, develop recommendations to relevant structures for victims’ protection. Also, the cases on human rights violations were transferred to the UHHRU lawyers to form the claims to the European Court of Human Rights.