Belarusian Helsinki Committee

legal assistance / media and campaigning


Coverage: Belarus

Type: NGO/NPO/Social Enterprise

Description: The organization focuses on human rights mechanisms and procedures, equality and non-discrimination, human rights based approach, business and human rights, social and economic rights, the death penalty.                               

We create the civic context which helps people, business and government realize that building of the country which is comfortable for life is possible only through active participation and collaboration of all institutions and people. We see human rights as a paramount element which contributes to the development of people and economy.

Aims and objectives: Adoption of the anti-discrimination law.

Human rights based approach use in projects for NGOs and state programs.

Changes in pension legislation. The logic of transition period. “Emergency help” in the form of targeted social assistance for those who have already got into the pensionable period trap.

Independence of judges, incl. independent bodies of judicial self-government, to which were transferred the functions of selection, appointment, dismissal and disciplinary responsibility of judges. The value of unpaid nursing work should be recognized.

Moratorium on the death penalty.

Main activities: Research and preparation of analytical texts, legal assistance, media campaigns, promotion of topics at the international and state level.