“Club of business women South-West”

women leadership / education / psychological and social assistance / home violence / harassment / feminism / migrants and internally displaced

Belarus. Pinsk

Coverage: Pinsk and Pinsk Region

Type: NGO/NPO/Social Enterprise

Description: The organization united women-professionals in various fields of activity for the realization of social, economic, civil and other rights of women. Our main priorities are to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, and, as a result, to achieve gender equality.

Aims and objectives: 

  • To develop the capacity of women, to gain knowledge on gender issues. 
  • Prevention and suppression of sexual and gender-based violence. In this regard, we focus on expanding the economic and legal knowledge and capabilities of women who have been subjected to violence, including domestic violence. 
  • Disclosure of leadership potential among women who would like to continue to gain leadership positions and participate in the political life of the country.

Main activities:

  • Providing information and legal assistance and psychological support to women and girls in solving life problems (family, personal life, health, education, career);
  • Creating conditions conducive to the personal realization of women in public life.
We want women and men to have equal access to all spheres of life and participate in them on an equal basis. We want both women and men to receive the adequate and equal protection of their human rights, including the right to live without violence in a safe family, in the local community and in society as a whole.


