Human Rights Initiative Group "Identity and Law"

education / psychological and social assistance / legal assistance / media and campaigning / LGBTQ+ / arts and cultural projects and events / home violence / harassment / childbirth and maternity / reproductive rights


Coverage: Belarus

Type: Initiative Contacts


«Identity and Law» is a human rights initiative group that has been working since August 2016. Belarusian legislation doesn’t approve of homophobia and transphobia. However, in real life LGBT-people are subject to prejudice, e.g. in course of hate crimes investigations. Cessation of existence of injustice and violence in our society is important to us.

Aims and objectives:

Our task is to improve the lives of Belarusian LGBT-people.

Main activities:

Fields we work with:

Homophobic and transphobic hate crimes

Quite often homophobic and transphobic hate crimes are not punishable, thus people don’t believe in justice system and don’t report to the police. But not a single crime should be left unpunished, especially when there is always a chance for getting impartial investigation. We have successfully handled quite a number of LGBT hate crime cases. Homophobia has been acknowledged in court as an aggravating circumstance. We will support you if you resolve to file a police report.

Discrimination in Health Care and at workplace

Openly gay people as well as those who have been outed without their consent may face ridicule, rudeness and even threats at their workplace. In some cases, e.g. for transgender people, employment is almost impossible. Health Care staff often rely on their personal prejudice when they work with LGBT-people. We are developing a database of tolerant medical workers and employers to make your life safer.

Vulnerability in difficult life situations

Sometimes relatives and friends turn away from people who come out or undergo forced outing and there is no one to rely on. LGBT-teenagers are kicked out of their houses, grown-ups have no one to share their problems with, nowhere to get at least a token of kindness. These problems comprise an important part of LGBT-issues. We can provide you with psychological support and other help.

Raising the level of solidarity within the LGBT-community

LGBT-people need safe space for holding lectures, exhibitions, educational events and entertainment. We want the LGBT-community to be united, this is why we are regularly planning different exiting and safe events where everyone can feel comfortable and engaged. Monitoring and research Information is an important part of the struggle for justice. We collect data about the hate crimes based on homophobia and transfobia and research topics related to the life of LGBT people in Belarus to get an idea about the current situation and to share that knowledge with the public.

International and national advocacy

We send alternative reports to international organizations, make written requests to the state bodies of Belarus and talk with officials whose contribution can improve the situation of LGBT people.