Monthly digest: Midsummer
The monthly digest filled with things we found useful to know.
What studying an abuser's behavior can show, an overview of women’s rights in European countries, the UN report on families, scandalous rise and fall of the "undressing" app.
Something to read
What makes him do it
In order to analyze the problem of domestic violence Jess Hill, an investigative journalist who writes and researches about domestic abuse, decided to go deeper in understanding the minds of abusers and find out what are the complex factors that make them do what they do. "We can't have this conversation as though abusive men are just these faceless foot soldiers of the patriarchy, who are imprinted on by culture and whose behaviour is [influenced] by porn and outdated modes of masculinity," Hill says. -
Двойная невидимость – насилие в гомосексуальных отношениях
Материал “Таких дел”, в котором представительни_цы ЛГБТК+ сообщества честно рассказывают об опыте абьюзивных отношений и многослойном давлении, которое они в них испытывали.
Something about women in the world
“Progress of the world’s women 2019–2020: Families in a changing world”
An UN report that features global, regional, and national data about the reality of families today in the context of sweeping economic, demographic, political, and social transformation. It also analyses key issues such as family laws, employment, unpaid care work, violence against women and families, and migration. You can study the full report or the executive summary, watch a short video and read a leaflet about family-friendly policies to support gender equality and women’s empowerment. -
10 фактов о положении женщин в мире
Статистика, представленная на конференции Women Deliver, которая прошла в Ванкувере 3 июня 2019 года при участии мировых лидер_ок, политиков, эксперт_ок и активист_ок. Например, только 17 женщин в 2018 году были главами государств, а в 2017 году в мире было зарегистрировано 11 миллионов браков с детьми (девочками). -
Roadmap to women’s rights in Europe
The NewsMavens project has finished with a publication of an overview of women’s rights in 36 countries of Europe. NewsMavens was a project “set out to discover what would happen to the news narrative if only women choose the news”. The information presented in the Roadmap was collected by the journalists, editors and fact checkers who were contributing to the project.
Something to know about back side of the digital scope
The DeepNude outrageous app is shut down
The anonymous creator of the DeepNude application that was undressing women using algorithms to “pick up” and insert breasts and vulva onto female bodies has announced that it's been shut down. "The world is not yet ready for DeepNude," he said. -
After a similar situation with “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” movie an anonymous made a “defeminized” version of the last Marvel blockbuster "Avengers: Endgame". That means that every scene considered feminist or gay by the troll was cut out. But this anonyomous troll is not the last to laugh.
Something to give a link to
«Краш-курс по гендерному равенству» – краткий конспект
Что такое гендерное равенство, в чём разница между полом и гендером, как работают отношения власти – в кратком конспекте лекции Сары Харальдсон, генеральной секретарки шведской организации «Максталонген». Можешь смело скидывать ссылку в ответ на перечисленные вопросы и тем, кто только-только начинает просвещаться в теме феминизма, гендера и интерсекциональности.