What August wanted you to know
Our digest of the month.

Humans produce tons of news and information. And you most likely have your own sources to find and filter them. We don’t pretend to be news masters. But here’s what we found useful to click and know while going through worldwide newsfeeds in August.

Something to read
- “Bad Girls” are here to revive the art feminism from the 90s.
- Hungarian government proposes to ban gender studies programs in universities.
- The first female-only music festival in Sweden is happening right now.
- An underground feminist radio has been launched in Saudi Arabia.
Something to watch
- A youtube video about Turkish “feminist” cult leader Adnan Oktar and his followers, who just recently got arrested being accused of sexual assaults and abuse, child kidnapping, blackmailing and more.
- In her TED-talk Janet Stovall tells us all how to be persistent in fighting for diversity and inclusion and how business can put an end to racism (we would add to all forms of discrimination).
Something to support
- An Instagram auction involving 30 female artists to fundraise a short-movie about sexual assault.